The Department of Civil Engineering was started in the year 1956 with an intake of 40 students offering Diploma in Civil and Rural Engineering with importance to Rural based Engineering subjects. This Department was conferred with Academic Autonomous status in the year 1981. The unique feature of this course was apart from studying Civil Engineering subjects and taking up one month Rural Project work at the end of course, subjects like Basics of Mechanical Engineering, Welding and Lathe Practices were imparted. One additional theory as Community and Rural Development, Machine drawing was taught.
At present, Diploma in Civil Engineering is offered with an Intake of 60 students in first year with 10th standard (SSLC) passed as entry qualification and 12th standard passed students as lateral entry during II year with Higher secondary / ITI as entry qualification. The syllabus is revised once in every 3 or 4 years based on the need of Building and Construction Industry.
- Practice of workshops in Civil Application based from I year onwards.
- Hands on practice for Masonry construction, Barbending, Plumbing and Electrification.
- Importance to thorough fundamentals of Regular theory
- Well equipped laboratories with 3000 kN Compression testing M/c,
- UTM with Digital strain recorder, Digital Torsion Testing M/c and Loading frame 30 Tonnes capacity.
- Special Emphasis on Drawings both Manual and AutoCAD application
- Survey camp outside the college in 2nd year – 4th semester study
- Thorough Practice on Compass, Dumpy Levels and Theodolites
- Thorough handling of Digital survey equipments like GPS and Total station
- In-plant training for students in second year summer vacation
- Knowledge based Project works and the end semester
- Conducting Seminars and Paper Presentation contests
- Organizing Guest Lectures by inviting eminent resource persons from Academia and Industry
- Conducting State Level Paper Presentation cum Quiz Competitions
- Celebrating Engineers’ Day and releasing yearly e-magazines
- Conducting Value Education, NSS, Cultural Education, Literary Education and Community based Service programmes
- Conducting need based Add-on courses
- Training in computer aided drafting courses
- Annual Sports Day
- Annual Day
- Engineers’ Day
- Guru Pooja
- Hostel Day
- Kalaimahal Vizha
- Kalpatharu Day
- Teachers’ Day
- Vidyalaya Day
Minimum two visits per year
- Placement Training identification from industrial interaction
- Coordinating with Academic Faculty for offering any specialized training
- Focusing students on presentation techniques in various stages
- Conducting Mock Tests and Mock Interviews
- Deputing staff to undergo Short term courses
- Deputing staff for Seminars / Conferences etc.
- Paper presentation in National and International journals and conferences