Alumni Meeting
The Alumni Meeting (1975 – 1978 DCRE) was conducted on 23rd July 2022 at LB Hall, Polytechnic campus. Swami Tadbhasananda Maharaj, Correspondent, presided over the function. Swami Bakthivratananda Maharaj, SRK Vidyalaya delivered the benedictory address. Swami Japayajnananda Maharaj graced the occasion. Totally, 21 Alumni attended the meeting and shared their memoirs.
Alumni Association
The Alumni Association of our college was started in 1999. The alumni of our institution contribute their share in different ways. They provide financial support, share knowledge, build and shape the image of the institution by their position they occupy now and absorb the current students in their organizations. The Alumni Association helps in improving the standard of education, upgrading the infrastructure, promoting the industry-institute interaction and necessary arrangements for job opportunities for the students. Members of our Alumni Association meet at regularly and discuss various issues related to development, sharing of resources, etc.
The Alumni Meeting (1975 – 1978 DCRE) was conducted on 23rd July 2022 at LB Hall, Polytechnic campus. Swami Tadbhasananda Maharaj, Correspondent, presided over the function. Swami Bakthivratananda Maharaj, SRK Vidyalaya delivered the benedictory address. Swami Japayajnananda Maharaj graced the occasion. Totally, 21 Alumni attended the meeting and shared their memoirs.
Click the link for Vidyalaya Alumni Registration: